Essential Nutrients I : Ascorbic Acid (Vitamin C)

An essential nutrient is a nutrient required for normal body functioning that either cannot be synthesized by the body at all, or cannot be synthesized in amounts adequate for good health (e.g. niacin, choline), and thus must be obtained from a dietary source. Some categories of essential nutrients include vitamins, dietary minerals, essential fatty acids, and essential amino acids.

Different species have very different essential nutrients. For example, most mammals synthesize their own ascorbic acid, and it is therefore not considered an essential nutrient for such species. It is, however, an essential nutrient for human beings, who require external sources of ascorbic acid (known as Vitamin C in the context of nutrition).

Vitamin C is water soluble, and is secreted from the body. Since humans are among the few animals that are unable to make their own vitamin C, we must therefore get it from our food, drinks, and supplements, such as Forever Absorbent-C.

The need for adequate levels of vitamin C is very evident. Science reports that one cigarette destroys 25mg of vitamin C. Stress, medication and environmental factors all heavily deplete the body of this vitamin. A deficiency can result in broken capillaries and bleeding gums.

To ensure that the full 60mg of vitamin C in each tablet is effectively absorbed, we've combined it with 500 mg of oat bran, a highly soluble dietary fiber. Research shows that soluble fiber can also help maintain healthy cholesterol levels in the bloodstream. Absorbent-C with Oat Bran is an outstanding nutritional supplement. It combines two vital nutrients into one convenient product.

The bonded matrix composition, developed through a unique process, is an effective delivery system enabling the body to absorb the full 60mg of vitamin C from each tablet. A daily intake of Absorbent-C is highly recommended for good health.