Aloe Vera (Barbadensis Miller)

There are over 240 different species of Aloe, growing mainly in the dry regions of Africa, Asia, Europe and America.

Although Aloe Vera is a member of the Lily family, it is very-cactus like in its characteristics. This unique plant also belongs to a larger plant family called "Xeroids". Of the 240+ species of Aloe, only four are recognized as being of nutritional value to humans and animals. Aloe barbadensis miller (Aloe Vera species) is the top of these four.  Significantly the top.

Thus, any aloe-based product you use should be made from barbadensis miller species.

Aloe Vera (barbadensis miller) contains over 20 minerals, all of which are essential to the human body.  The human body requires 22 amino acids for good health -- eight of which are called "essential" because the body cannot fabricate them.  Aloe Vera contains all of these eight essential amino acids, and 11 of the 14 "secondary" amino acids.  Aloe Vera has Vitamins A, B1, B2, B6, B12, C and E.  Vitamins cannot be manufactured within the body, and some cannot be stored by the body, so it is necessary for the diet to sustain a continuous supply. 

How Aloe products are manufactured is extremely important!
The gel of the Aloe plant, when exposed to oxygen for a prolonged time (about four hours) oxidizes - rendering it worthless. (This is the same reaction to air as an apple undergoes when the "insides" are exposed to air - it quickly browns due to oxidation.)
Thus, you want the manufacturer's reliable assurance, in writing, that not only is the species correct - but also from harvest, to filleting (removing the outer leaf to retain only the clear gel), to manufacturing the process is four hours or less. If you can't have this assurance, look elsewhere.

You want a manufacturer who grows their own Aloe Vera in their own fields.  Some manufacturers may purchase Aloe Vera in bulk once or twice a year and it "sits around" while waiting for the manufacturing process.  

Thus, if the Aloe Vera is grown on company OWNED and CONTROLLED fields, you can be better assured of freshness and nutritional value.
Aloe must be "stabilized". This is a process (involving neither heat nor chemicals that would destroy the Aloe's original compounds) that assures the Aloe (such as the final juice or gelly, or lotion product) is essentially the same as if you freshly filleted the leaf yourself.
If it is not properly stabilized (in four hours or less from the time the leaf is harvested), it may also be of no nutritional value.   The reason is because Aloe Vera oxidizes within four hours (much as an apple or potato turns brown when exposed to the air for a period of time) from the time the gel is exposed to the air.  Once so oxidized, the gel loses it's nutritional value.
Only Forever Living Products can provide you with 100% stabilized Aloe Vera (Barbadensis Miller)!! Forever Living Products Inc. is a vertically integrated company which means we control everything from planting, harvesting, manufacturing, quality control and research, to finished products and even trucking and distribution!! This is your guarantee that the product you get is pure and effective. 
(To purchase products, please click links on the right or send an email to: aloeforeverpower [at] gmail [dot] com)