Dubai Weight Loss Show

Being overweight and obese is a major health problem in the UAE, which might play the major role in increasing the occurrence of other chronic diseases.

Take charge of your life! Learn more about obesity and how to naturally lose the excess pounds. Everyone is invited to come and see the Dubai Weight Loss Show on January 29 - 30, 2010 in Crowne Plaza Hotel, Shk. Zayed Road.

Admission is FREE!!

For more information, please visit the Dubai Weight Loss Show website.

(To purchase products, please click links on the right or send an email to: aloeforeverpower [at] gmail [dot] com for more information.)

Sonya Skin Care Collection Kit

Sonya® is the essence of more than just beauty: it is an expression of rejuvenation, admiration and love. Our collection’s formulation of ingredients including aloe vera, fruit extracts, white tea and superior moisturizers give back to your skin. They help to rejuvenate and moisturize your skin like never before.

The Sonya® Skin Care Collection contains five fundamental elements for cleansing, moisturizing, and maintaining overall skin health and appearance. Aloe Purifying Cleanser, Aloe Refreshing Toner, Aloe Nourishing Serum , Aloe Balancing Cream, and Aloe Deep-Cleansing Exfoliator work together to leave your skin looking fresh and radiant. Indulge in this five-step process, and treat your skin to the luxury it deserves!

(To purchase products, please click links on the right or send an email to: aloeforeverpower [at] gmail [dot] com for more information.)

Health and Wellness in 2010

The Health and Wellness industry is expected to be a trillion dollar industry by the year 2010, as baby boomers and fitness enthusiasts alike continue to invest in products and services that help them to maintain their health and youthful vitality.

According to Paul Zane Pilzer , a world renowned economist, this $200 billion industry is beginning to take off, and is expected to create an additional 1 trillion dollars in demand for products and services related to making us look and feel good, as well as slow the effects of aging, and in some cases prevent diseases altogether.
  Read full story here.

"The growth of the health and wellness industry represents an income stream for those who see an opportunity, and are wise enough to leverage this knowledge into an income for themselves."

Network Marketing and the Health and Wellness industry:

Find a company on the verge of momentum, or in the midst of hitting momentum is a good opportunity to get involved with. Simply put, the buzz is becoming a roar about the opportunity, pay plan and products.



(To purchase products, please click links on the right or send an email to: aloeforeverpower [at] gmail [dot] com for more information.)

Your Dream, Our Plan

(To purchase products, please click links on the right or send an email to: aloeforeverpower [at] gmail [dot] com for more information.)

Getting to know PSORIASIS

Psoriasis is a disease , which causes the skin cells to reproduce  themselves every other day instead of every 21 days, and this produces excessive peeling. It is not contagious. 

There is redness in certain areas of the body, with pearl color scales, which are constantly peeling off, irritation and in some cases bleeding. This occurs mainly on elbows, knees, arms, hands, legs, chest, abdomen, groin, neck and ears. Fingernails and toenails lose their shine and become rigid and brittle. 

It is still unknown, however, it is fact that there is a great psychosomatic influence because the problem increases with nervousness and stress. The lack of polyunsaturated fats like Omega-3 in the body is related to this disease. 

Correct reproduction of the cells is carried out due to the balance maintained by two substances called cyclic AMP and GMP. When the delicate balance between these two substances is broken, the production of the skin cells gets out of control and results in psoriasis.

It has been found that a poor digestion of proteins, which causes rotting and bacteria produces a toxic amino acid (poliamine), which breaks down this balance. Vitamin A or Beta Carotene stops the formation of this toxic substance (poliamine) and helps prevent psoriasis. 

 Dr. Murray Pizzorno recommends a complete detoxification of the body because there is a considerable number of toxins involved in psoriasis including some bacteria. What these toxins do is to increase cyclic GMP, breaking down the balance it maintains with the AMP, which increases cell production. 

A lack of fiber in the diet helps the accumulation of toxins in the intestine. A deficiency in the liver function encourages the formation of psoriasis. One of the liver's functions is to filter toxins and bacteria. When this fails, these toxins enter the blood and contribute to the formation of poliamine, which again produce an imbalance between AMP and GMP. As a result, an increase and excess production of the skin cells. 

A high consumption of alcohol increases psoriasis considerably. This is mainly because of the negative effect that alcohol has on the liver. The person should stop drinking alcohol. 

A considerable recovery has been obtained by daily application of aloe vera gelatin or bee propolis cream. Exposing onself to the sun everyday for about 10 minutes is also beneficial. It has been observed that this problem increases when there is stress and diminishes when the person is calm and relaxed. 


  1. Artic Sea  - 1 x 3 x daily
  2. A Beta CarE  - 1 x 3 x daily
  3. Aloe Vera Gelly and/or Propolis Cream - Applied Daily
  4. Royal Jelly - 1 x 3 x daily
  5. Absorbent C - 1 x 3 x daily
  6. Fields of Greens - 2 x 3 x daily
  7. Nature Min - 2 x 3 x daily
  8. Aloe Vera Gel - 60 ml. x 3 x daily

Source: Across the Desert Sand, July 2002 Issue.

(To purchase products, please click links on the right or send an email to: aloeforeverpower [at] gmail [dot] com for more information.)

The Big 5 - Fields of Green

  • Alfalfa - one of the richest mineral foods, with its roots growing deeply into the earth (as much as 130 feet below the surface!) where the minerals still abound far beneath the depleted topsoil. It's very high in life giving Chlorophyll, Calcium, Magnesium, Phosphorus, Potassium and vitamins A, B complex, C, D, E, K, U, Biotin, Choline, Iron, Protein Tryptophan (the minerals are alkaline having a neutralizing effect in the intestinal tract). Midwives have long prescribed alfalfa as a supplement during pregnancy because of its high mineral content. It virtually eliminates "morning sickness" which is largely a symptom of mineral depletion. 
  • Young Green Barley - High in Calcium, Iron, the 8 essential Amino Acids, Vitamin C, Flavonoids, Vitamin B12, minerals and enzymes. Helps in healing intestinal and duodenal disorders acting as anti inflammatory as well. 
  • Wheatgrass - Is a rich nutritional food that has also been widely proclaimed as a "cure-all" which is extremely high in a wide variety of vitamins, minerals and trace elements. Dr. Ann Wigmore, the first doctor to really latch onto young wheat's value as curative, claims that "it contains the highest variety of nutrients, and that 15 lbs of fresh wheatgrass is equal to 350 lbs of the choicest vegetables". The molecular structure of wheatgrass closely resembles hemoglobin, the oxygen-carrying protein of red blood cells and may be the reason of the effectiveness of chlorophyll. The only difference between the two is that the metallic atom in a molecule of human blood is Iron, while the metallic atom of chlorophyll is Magnesium making it beneficial to people suffering from anemia. 
  • Cayenne Pepper - A catalyst for the above mentioned herbs. It improves circulation, aids digestion, stops bleeding from stomach  ulcers. It contains Vitamin A, B complex and Vitamin C. It controls the functioning of the kidneys, pancreas, spleen, lungs and heart. 
  • Chromium Picolinate - Vital in the metabolism of glucose - synthesis of cholesterol, fats and proteins. Maintains stable blood sugar levels through proper insulin utilization in both diabetic and hypoglycemic. It is a trace mineral which helps the hormone Insulin regulate carbohydrate, protein and fat metabolism.

1 tablet 3x a day.

* for people with medical conditions, its better to consult with your physician before taking this product.

The Big 5 - Ginkgo Plus

Thought to be the oldest living three species. Scientifically proclaimed to trace its' origins some 230 million years back. The tree is so hardy that one survived the atomic blast that destroyed Hiroshima. Ginkgo Biloba extract is world-renowned for helping the brain to function better for increased memory, and more mental acuity.

  • Ginkgo Biloba Leaf Extract - considered by many  to be the ultimate "brain tonic" for its ability to enhance circulation in the brain. 
  • Reishi - otherwise known as (Ganoderma Lucidum). The Reishi mushroom is gathered from the forest and has been used extensively in China as a general tonic for improved memory. It increases longevity, helping in the problems of senility. Also found beneficial in allergies, lupus, systemic lupus, hypertension, and blockage in the arteries. It protects the liver from damage, and also provides feeling of relaxation thus good for insomniacs. 
  • Schisandra Berries - long used in China as well-known tonic for a variety of uses, and the benefits of its anti oxidant properties. Schizandra also aids in restoring the retaining energy. Its a tranquilizer, and stimulates the immune system as well. 
  • CURED FO-TI - regarded by the Chinese as one of the best anti aging herbs. Has beneficial effects in preventing premature aging promoting long life as well. Cured Fo-Ti is considered far superior than its raw counterpart. 
By combining the four unique herbal  components together in a synergistic formulation, FLP gives you the benefits of a natural "food for thought" like no other!

Ginkgo Plus' beneficial ingredients can also be divided into the following: FLAVANOIDS - which are effective antioxidants that help fight damage caused by free radicals.
TERAPENS - which act as anticoagulants helping the blood to flow better, helping the brain to recover quickly and more completely from damage due to lack of oxygen. Terapens help protect the nerve cells from damage or stroke. Contain anti-stress and anti-anxiety effects.


1 tablet 3x a day.

* for people with medical conditions its better to consult with your physician before taking this product.

The Big 5 - Artic Sea

Ingredients: Omega 3 (Fish Oil - EPA & DHA), Omega 9 (Olive Oil), Vitamin E. Omega 3 is composed of LCPUFA (Long Chain Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids).

These essential fatty acids are:
  1. EP (Eicosapentanoic Acid) - Prevents "sticky blood", Thus reducing the risk of blood clot. Lowers the levels of blood fats called Triglycerides which are associated with heart problems.
  2. DHA (Docosahexanoic Acid) - Important part of the cells in the retina of the eyes. They play a significant role in the development of babies visual acuity (sharpness of vision). DHA forms the key building blocks of the human brain tissue. They are important for the brain's normal growth and development, particularly in the last three months of pregnancy where the brain is at its' rapid growth. DHA also plays key role in the healthy development of the central nervous system and the maintenance of healthy cells, EYE, BRAIN, and NEURAL development. DHA also improve behavior and emotional stamina. 
Artic Sea protects us against heart disease in the following ways:
  1. By lowering the levels of LDL (Low Density Lipoprotein) which are responsible for the sticking of bad cholesterol in the artery walls, while increasing HDL (High Density Lipoprotein), which prevents cholesterol deposits on artery walls.
  2. By lowering triglyceride levels. 
  3. By making platelets, the cells involved in coagulation or clotting, less sticky thus preventing the clotting that can lead to heart attacks and strokes. 
  4. By making red blood cells less rigid and more flexible in the bloodstream, improving circulation. 


1 softgel 3x a day after each meal.

*for people with medical conditions, its better to consult with your physician before taking this product.